Mr. Harris Wicked Awesome School Page

Dear Students and Families,


Welcome to Mr. Harris seventh grade class. I’m very excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year.


Throughout the school year, we will be exploring various mathematical concepts and functions. Some of these concepts include operations with fractions and decimals, stats, number patterns, powers and exponents, equations, inequalities and functions, and various geometric figures. These are just a list of a few that we will be looking at and we will be going in depth with many of them.


In order for your student to be successful in my classroom, I require them to bring a scientific calculator (preferably a Texas instrument brand, as I am more familiar with these), 1 1 subject notebook for taking notes, plenty of loose leaf paper for homework and various projects, blue or black ink pen, and a pencil. I require all homework and tests to be done in pencil.


My homework policy is very simple. Homework will be turned into the homework in box everyday after we go over the homework in class. For the most part, homework will be due the day after it is assigned, for example if homework is assigned Monday, its due Tuesday, if it’s assigned Friday, its due Monday. Homework will be out of 10 points everyday. If absent ever, it’s the student’s responsibility to find out the homework assignment and complete it with in 2 days of return.


My grading policy for percentages is a school wide policy. The grades are as follows: 100-90=A, 89-80=B, 79-70=C, 69-60=C, 59 and below=F.  As for the weight of all assignments, they are as follows homework = 20%, test = 30%, quiz = 25%, attendance/participation = 10%, project = 15%.


All school events, off days, open-house, and parent teacher conferences are listed on the school calendar. If you have any questions on any of those dates, refer to the calendar, if that does not help feel free to e-mail me or the principal regarding any questions you may have.


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail me at I am really looking forward to working with you and your child this school year. It will be a fun and exciting school year.




Matthew Harris